Between booking season, chasing lions and dealing with mega-snow we are keeping busy up here in the mountains. It’s lonely this year, only a moose or two keeps us company, all the other wildlife has headed to the low country.
If you are looking to hunt with us in Colorado, even if you are a repeat client, contact us as soon as possible. Our fall camps are over 85% booked as of Jan. 1st.
Now to the good part! Some cool Spring opportunities in British Columbia. Right now we are filling a bear camp in the coastal mountains during the first two weeks of May. This is an awesome hunt for families, corporate groups, or a hunter wanting to pursue a large coastal black bear. Given the abundance of bears and quality, all levels of sportsmen and women will enjoy this trip. It is a reasonable expectation for everyone to go home with at least one bear. Hard working hunters, with patience, have a good chance at a 7ft.+ boar.
I love guiding bear hunters here in Colorado during the fall, but it’s almost comical to compare any bear hunting here in the states to what BC has to offer. Here is the quick and dirty:
1. Bear density. BC’s bear population, particularly in the coastal mountains, is rapidly increasing to due to logging and habitat changes. BC’s game managers are happy enough with the current bear populations in this unit to allow hunters to harvest two bears per spring. In this area spot and stalk hunters can have the expectation of seeing bears everyday, bow hunters will average one stalk per day.
2. Bear Size and Hide Quality. In early May the bears are right out of the den, still packing their long winter hides. On the size front, 6ft+ bears are the norm and 7ft+ bears are possible. When you look at the reality of interior grizz hunts, these bears are almost just as big!
3. It’s a fun trip. Awesome weather in beautiful mountains. No sitting over a pile of jelly donuts. You are out there covering ground, glassing up bears, and testing your abilities on the stalk. Great experience for a rifle hunter, epic skill builder for archers.
On the logistics end, fly in to Vancouver, we pick you up for a 5 hour drive to camp, and the next day we are hunting.
On the pricing front, these hunts are similar to our guided elk hunts. Depending on number of bears taken, group size, etc… hunters are looking at $4,000-$6,000 per hunter for a six day hunt. We have a great spot in our schedule for a group of 4-6 hunters.
Contact us for additional information and checkout our BC bear page here.