25 Wilderness Camps
In terms of permitted camps, we are one of the largest outfitters in Colorado. We can use the camps that fit our guest’s needs best. Camps near streams, we got it. Camps near lakes, we got it. Camps near elk rutting areas, we got it. Camps near elk migration corridors, we got it. Camps near oak brush for bucks and bears, we got it. An outfitter with 4 camps? You’re stuck with whatever they might have!
Our closest camps in the Flat Tops Wilderness are 2 miles and 1,800 ft. elevation gain from our base camp. Our farthest camps are 10+ miles and over 3,500 ft elevation gain into the area. Public access is by foot and horseback only. There is absolutely no vehicle access into the area. These camps were established by Colorado High Guide Service (Dennis Bergstad) over 40 years ago.
This is big, wild, expansive country -- a landscape of limitless space. Our permit area is one of the few remaining places in the lower 48 where a true wilderness hunting experience still exists.

We Own Our Base Camp - We Work Here All Year
Unlike most outfitters in Colorado, our base camp is operated on private property on the edge of over 240,000 acres of designated road-less wilderness. We invest heavily in our facilities to accommodate our guests. We have a 3,000 square ft. pack station where we can saddle and pack 30+ mules at a time, under any weather conditions. There is almost always staff at our facility with ready stock. Although we are as remote or more remote than other outfitters’ public land or leased base camps, emergency vehicles and help can always reach our base camp.
We work here year-round, allowing us to scout fishing and hunting spots constantly.
Professional Staff and Professional Stock
Formerly known as Colorado High Guide and then Hilltop High Guide Service, FTWG is one of the longest running permitted outfitters in Colorado, 40+ years. Today, several of the original staff are involved. We are honored to carry on the legacy.
Our staff is made up of experienced horsemen, hunting guides, fisherman, and survivalists. The guiding staff is all first aid certified and several are certified Wilderness First Responders.
Most importantly, our horses and mules are made for the mountains. From years and miles of packing gear and meat, most of them know the area better than any person around.

Unbeatable Habitat
The White River elk herd is 30,000+ animals, of which a large portion live in the Flat Tops. Colorado’s 4-point antler restriction and the remoteness of the area allow for a decent possibility of running into a trophy bull during any season. Our large hunt area and number of camps allows us to increase your chances. We have several over-the-counter seasons, so planning a hunt is easy.
Our area is well known for trophy mule deer genetics. Every year, we take 1-2 world class bucks. Mule deer is a relatively easy draw tag. Bear and cat populations are thriving. September rifle bear tags are an easy draw. 18in+ cutthroat are not uncommon in the high lakes. You can typically catch brook trout all day long in the lakes or miles of streams.
Hundreds of miles of horse trails and 25 wilderness camps in prime Elk, Mule Deer and Trout territory.

Operating on the White River National Forest and the Flat Tops Wilderness under a special use permit from the US Forest Service. An Equal Opportunity Provider. Bonded and Insured.